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#2' 2003 |
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Vladimir Panteleev General Director, TyazhMash JSC
nergy, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, construction, chemistry, oil refinery, mining of gold and diamonds, defense and space...this is just a partial list of industries where products of TyazhMash are successfully operating. The experience of many years, unique engineering equipment, broad business ties with Russian and foreign partners permit it to manufacture equipment of the highest class, which has a mass ranging from several kilograms to several thousand tons and is fitted with modern automatics and hydraulics. It is distinguished by high reliability, maintainability and is competitive in domestic and foreign markets. Designers of the enterprise have developed most products manufactured by TyazhMash JSC. Our hydraulic turbines, trunk conveyers and coal- and ore-grinding equipment of our make are operating throughout Russia, CIS and in dozens of foreign countries.
The qualification and quality of work by TyazhMash JSC passed an independent expert review by British NQA that certified our quality system as corresponding to the ISO 9001-2000 standard. The ever-expanding business ties of our enterprise also prove the international level of its products.
The prevailing number of Russias thermal electric power plants (HPP) using coal, lignite, peat and slates are equipped with coal-grinding equipment manufactured by our enterprise. For grinding anthracite coals it manufactures ball-tube mills (BTM) with the output between 4 tons and 80 tons an hour. Due to the existing structure of dust-systems in Russia and CIS countries these mills are discharge operating. They operate at the countrys largest coal-using plants, such as Novocherkasskaya, Kurakhovskaya, Starobeshevskaya, Pridneprovskaya, Bushtynskaya and others.
However, energy industries of foreign and, above all, Western countries use dust-systems with pressure-operating BTM. TyazhMash JSC designed such mills with single and two-sided fuel admission. They can be fitted with automatics systems (both of Russian and foreign make) that permit to regulate their operation depending on fuel load, noise level or pressure changes.
Nowadays thermal electric power plants widely use mill-ventilators (MV), which grind high-moisture, low-grade brown coals and lignite. They are installed in boiler plants of dust-systems with direct fuel injection. Along with grinding MVs ventilate drying agents, which are the mixture of flue gases and hot air. Dust-systems with mill-ventilators are notable for their simplicity and reliability. TyazhMash JSC manufactures mill-ventilators of six dimension-types with the output by coal-grinding ranging from 13 tons to 90 tons an hour. These mills are installed at a number of thermal electric power plants in Russia, Bulgaria, India (Neively Plant), China (Yangchijan and Imin plants).
The last decade was a major landmark in developing and manufacturing roller mills by TyazhMash JSC. In modern market conditions at home and abroad there was a need to design new mills corresponding to the latest standards. This task was successfully accomplished. The enterprise designed new mills MVS-160, MVS-190, MVS-225, MVS-260, MVS-280. Such mills were shipped to a number of large thermal electric power plants in China (Suijhung and Inkhou plants).
Our enterprise has been designing and manufacturing hydraulic turbine equipment since 1952. During these years we produced and supplied over 100 units with the total capacity of 4,280 MW for 17 hydroelectric power stations (HPS) in Russia and countries of the former USSR. Among them were 14 dimension-types of turbines of the rotary-paddle category with diameters of runners ranging from 3.6 to 10m and unit power between 20 MW and 120 MW as well as 8 dimension-types of hydraulic centrifugal turbines with diameters of runners between 1.8 and 5.1 m and unit power from 26MW to 133MW.
There were supplies of hydraulic turbine equipment to the largest hydroelectric power stations in Russia and other countries. Among them were hydraulic turbines unique by their technical parameters. They were installed at:
Kamskaya HPS 24 PL20-V-500 units (Kama river, Russia);
Cheboksarskaya HPS 13 PL20-V-1000 (Volga river, Russia);
Ust-Khantaiskaya HPS 7 PL-V-4100 units (Khantaika river, Russia);
Kapchagaiskaya HPS 4 PL50-V-650 units (Ili river, Kazakhstan);
Krivoporozhskaya HPS 4 PL30-V-500 (Kem river, Russia);
Kureiskaya HPS 5 RO75-V-510 units (Kureika river, Russia);
Verkhne-Teriberskaya HPS 1 RO170-V-410 unit (Teriberka river, Russia);
This is an incomplete list of manufactured equipment.
Since 1986 our enterprise (the first in the USSR since the 1950s) has been designing and manufacturing hydraulic equipment for small HPS. We gained significant experience in designing equipment of low unit power (between 500 kW and 10 MW) to operate both in general systems and for individual customers. During these years a type line of hydraulic units for small HPS was developed. Supplies were and are made to different Russian regions and abroad, including:
RO45-V-120 for the Istrinsky hydroscheme (Istrinskoye reservoir, Russia);
RO230-G-50 for North Ossetia (Russia), Armenergoprom (Armenia), Dagenergo (Russia);
RO230-G-50 for Iran.
Hydraulic equipment for small HPS supplied by TyazhMash JSC was designed with consideration to specific conditions of its operation. We provide complex supplies of hydraulic units for small HPS (a hydraulic turbine, generator, automatic control system, front turbine gate). The whole hydraulic unit operates automatically with minimum control and just requires periodic maintenance. The structure of the equipment rules out a possibility of polluting water reservoirs with waste of hydraulic unit oil. So as to simplify and reduce costs of assembling the equipment it is supplied by larger blocks and by a single unit for small HPS.
As of today, TyazhMash JSC has accumulated a unique experience of repairing, reconstructing and modernizing any HPS hydraulic turbine equipment.
We are capable of manufacturing, repairing and modernizing (with any degree of complexity and of any volumes) hydraulic turbines and auxiliary hydraulic turbine equipment as well as mechanical components of hydraulic generators.
Among our customers for repair working mechanisms and embedded parts of hydraulic turbines, generators and auxiliary turbine equipment are the Cheboksarskaya HPS (Volga river, Russia), Belorechenskaya and Maikopskaya HPS (Belaya river, Krasnodarsky Territory, Russia), Pavlovskaya HPS (Belaya river, Bashkiria, Russia), cascade of Vilyuyskaya HPS (Vilyuy river, Russia), Gunibsky hydraulic scheme, cascade of Sulakskaya HPS (Sulak river, Russia) and many other organizations.
So as to improve energy characteristics of hydraulic units when modernizing a number of hydraulic turbines, engineering inventions for making new models of runners were realized along with subsequent modernization of turbine setting.
Besides, TyazhMash JSC manufactures, modernizes and repairs any auxiliary equipment of HPS: duplicate gates, trashracks, materials handling equipment, etc.
The whole complex of work to devise new equipment and modernize the existing one is provided by TyazhMash JSC together with its permanent partners: NPO TSTI, one of Russias leading institutes of hydraulic turbine engineering (scientific research, diagnostics and monitoring systems), the leading electric companies Elsib and Siemens (hydraulic generators), бнн and Aviapriborholding (automatic control systems), Russias major organization of hydraulic equipment assembling Kamspetsenergo (assembling and start-and-adjustment works).
TyazhMash JSC possesses perfected and checked-out technical solutions in hydraulic turbine engineering and related fields, progressive technology and unique stock of machining equipment, experienced personnel, dependable subcontractors. The enterprise is capable of fulfilling any orders for manufacturing, repairing and modernizing hydraulic units and equipment of HPS, from working out technical documents to manufacturing and providing help with assembling. 
TyazhMash JSC
The history of the enterprise is linked to the start of the Great Patriotic War in 1941 (World War II), when the first special train arrived in the city of Syzran bringing equipment of the Ludinovsky engineering plant. This plant was founded in 1745 by Nikita Demidov, a Russian industrialist. In more than 60 years of its existence TyazhMash JSC became one of the largest enterprises of Russias engineering complex.
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